Starting Point Series
We invite you to preach our first sermon series, Starting Point, and see how immersive and integrated teaching can impact your ministry. This free trial gives you access to all of the Thread’s resources:
Thread App
Watch the podcast
Dive deep with daily devotionals in the Daily Thread
Bring Sunday home with family devotionals and conversation starters
Enhance discipleship with small group lessons
Integrated Bible and notes in app
All integrated with the topic of the week
Thread Podcast for Leaders
Lessons to integrate Thread’s teaching into the hearts of leaders
This isn’t just resource stealing
Sermon starters to help you develop fresh preaching on each topic
A light Kids Church curriculum to weave Thread to every soul in the church
Push notifications through the app to communicate or emphasize parts of Thread
Example: Let’s all read today’s Daily Thread
Starting point series
Foundational Sermons
Week 1: Our Image of God
Week 2: Why Story?
Week 3: Why Spirituality?
Week 4: The Story of Our Faith
In just four weeks of immersive teaching your church will be led to begin reshaping their view of God, work on expanding their personal testimonies, have deep conversations as families and married couples, and see the big picture of God’s work in our world.